kolkata escort girls

How to ensure your safety and security for using Kolkata escort service     

Check the matter of confidentiality

At the time of using Kolkata escort service, confidentiality must receive your paramount interest. You should be aware whether your service providers keep all affairs, ways of communication and shared details as top secret. They should not share these with others at any cost. A leakage of this information can bring negative effects and adverse situations in your personal life, social status, and present position at your workplace.

Ask about medical checkup certificate

Before enjoying with an independent escort girl in Kolkata, you must be clear whether the girl is fit for offering you Kolkata escort service. To be more precise, you should be sure that your chosen girl is not carrying the germs of any genital disease. You should enjoy safely, not at the cost of your life. This is why you must know whether the call girl undergoes a medical checkup at least once in a week and carries the proof of it with her.

Know about the license for offering this service

To avoid any legal harassment and penal servitude, you should know whether the Kolkata call girls has a license and permission to offer Kolkata escort service. If you get involved in enjoying her services without knowing a bit about the license, you are supposed to undergo the laws of sexual harassment. This will make your horrible.

Know the charges hidden cost

Make sure whether she has any hidden cost or other terms and conditions. This will help you in fair dealing with her and avoid any unwanted or bitter experience. In this step you should discuss with her, taking your needs and expectations. After that, you should be very clear whether she is comfortable with providing you with the same. After getting her consent, you can get a date to enjoy with her.

These are important measures to use Kolkata escort service safely.

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